Upcoming Events



Friday night Evening Prayer returns on December 6th, in the First Week of Advent, at 7:00 p.m. Watch for Thursday emails containing the Zoom link. Monday night Evening Prayer continues as usual.

Questions? Contact Mother Nancy at ndsorgs@frontier.com or 585-507-0398.

Got Sneakers? As you clean out your closets in the new year, consider donating gently used sneakers to the GotSneakers? program at St. Ann’s Community. GotSneakers? is a national organization that accepts gently used sneakers and distributes them to those in need across the world. They provide partner 501(c)3’s with funds in exchange for collecting the sneakers. There will be a box available in the Narthex for the month of January. Questions? Reach out to Jodi Revill.

Epiphany Baptism of Jesus - Sunday, January 13 at 10:00am. This is one of the four customary days in the Episcopal Church for Baptisms. -Please contact Rev. Lynne if you are interested in Baptism that day.

Grumpy Old Men will meet on January 15th @ noon at Jeremiah's Tavern. (2164 Fairport Nine Mile Pt Rd in Fairport) Please feel free to come. You don't need to be Grumpy or Old or to join!

The Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 19th at 10:00 am. The Committee Reports are due to the Parish office by January 6th. A paper or an electronic copy of the Annual Meeting Report will be available to the congregation January 12th. Click here to see a list of Vestry candidates.

Ladies' Lunch Bunch will be on January 23, noon at Mecate Mexican in Webster. Contact Pat with your RSVP and directions.